Top Autoresponder Tips: Turning Leads Into Customers Part Two

turning leads into customers

Top Autoresponder Tips – turning leads into customers: In the previous post we looked at how your potential subscribers could range from those who do nothing at all to those who have become your raving fans.

Now we look at how using a service such as RocketResponder to communicate with your subscribers during the vital time when they are deciding what to buy, could result in turning more leads into customers.

Ideally you will want to turn as many of your subscribers as possible into ‘raving fans’ and while it is not possible to turn every potential lead into a raving fan, there is still a lot that you can do to gain more customers.

The key to transforming undecided subscribers into a large fan base is two-fold:

  • firstly offer them something they genuinely find useful to the extent that they are willing to pay for your product or service.
  • So let’s assume that you have passed the first test, now you will need to use good communication as the tool to turn prospective leads into paying customers. This is where a tool like RocketResponder, which lets you easily create and distribute email campaigns to your subscribers, comes into its own.

By informing the trial member of how your product works, encouraging them to use it and by giving tips and suggestions you are more likely to get more people actually using your goods or services…and that is the first step to turning them into customers.

This may even bring around a percentage of the ‘something for nothing’ brigade as they learn that they can really benefit from your product and to continue with this benefit they must pay for it.

Even some of the cheaters can be converted into paying customers…by making it hard for them to cheat in the first place. Some will just give up and go away but there will be some who will conclude that if they can’t keep getting it for free then it is time to pay up.

Also remember that just because someone does not buy from you the moment they visit your website or sales page does not mean they will not buy from you at all…far from it in fact.

It is very likely that they are also visiting the websites of your rivals too and evaluating where they are going to spend their money so anything you can do to give your business the edge is hugely important here.

Good communication could make the difference between you getting the sale and it going to one of your rivals instead.

This is why it is so vital that in the days and (very often) weeks following a visit where a potential customer shows an interest, you communicate clearly about what you have to offer and why it benefits the potential customer.

Thus it is vital to use an email marketing system like RocketResponder to talk to the prospective customer during this key time and give them the reasons why your product is the one they want to buy.

We are not talking pushy marketing here but giving customers the sort of advice and care they would be able to get if they were talking to you face-to-face and asking for information about your product.

So spend some time working out the types of questions people would most likely ask and then set out those answers in a series of emails that you can send out to them to help them make the right buying decision.

* RocketResponder and the RocketResponder Devzone, a combination of API endpoints and webhooks, gives developers the ability to easily integrate email marketing into any website.

Developers can use the API to manage their subscribers by adding, removing, and modifying them from within their web app, giving them complete control over how subscribers get added to their email lists.

Top Autoresponder Tips: Turning Leads Into Customers Part One

turning leads into customers

Top Autoresponder Tips – turning leads into customers: In business not everyone who shows an initial interest in your product will go on to become a customer.

Some will take a quick look and then move on elsewhere when they realize what you have to offer does not meet their needs.

If you offer a free trial, such as we do here with RocketResponder, several things may happen during that trial.

Here are some of the things that we have found that happen with those who take our 30 day free trial:

  • Nothing at all – some people sign up and never do another thing again. They don’t log in, use the software or read any emails from us. You have to wonder why they even signed up in the first place. Hpwever there will generally be a small percentage of people who sign up for things they have no real intention of using.
  • Quickly lose interest – these are the people who like trying things out…but are easily bored. They probably don’t even want what you are offering but will try it anyway simply because it is free. However when another free trial comes along then move onto that and lose interest in your offer.
  • Something for nothing – some people want something for nothing and will happily sign up for a service and use is while it remains free and then quit when it is time to pay.
  • Cheaters – some people will love your free stuff so much that they will want to continue using it without paying. They will try to sign up multiple times for your free offer but have no intention of ever paying for it.
  • Genuine Customers – This group will take you up on your offer, love your product and service and go on to buy from you.
  • Raving fans – These are the similar to your genuine customers but they will love what you do so much that they will recommend your product or service to all their friends and family members. (This is why affiliate programs – where customers get paid a commission for bringing in extra sales – are very important.)

Next up: Find out how RocketResponder and the RocketResponder Devzone, can help you turn your leads into customers and help prevent you losing them to the hands of the competition.

See Also: RocketResponder Blog: Top Autoresponder Tips: Turning Leads Into Customers Part Two

Three Top Tips For Choosing A Cheap Email Marketing Plan

Cheap Email marketing

One of the misconceptions about email marketing software is that it must be expensive to be effective…this simply is not true.

There is lots of choice available when it comes to choosing the right email marketing plan for you…but you cannot be simply guided by cost alone.

In fact a cheap email marketing plan can often provide you with better results and better functionality than those which may cost a lot more.

The key to finding the right email marketing software for you is to know what you are looking for and then checking whether the software is able to meet your specific needs.

When you start looking around you will see that price alone is no reliable indicator of performance.

Here are three top tips to help you choose a cheap email marketing plan which is right for you:

1. Does it do what you want? – Your needs may be simple or complex but you have to take time to find the software which is right for you. Remember that this is is one piece of software that you are likely to want to keep for many years, so time taken at the outset to make sure it is right for you is time well spent. Look for software that allows you to create multiple lists so that you can send different messages to different subscriber groups. Also look at any limits there may be on how many emails you can send and whether the cheap headline price remains cost effective once your subscriber base grows.

2. Is it easy to use and understand? – You may have found an email marketing plan that is right for you in terms of price and functionality but you are not done yet. It is vital that the software you choose is easy to use and understand. If you have to learn complicated new skills and if getting people to sign up to your list is too complex then you will be spending too much time on managing your marketing software when you could be working on managing your business or organization. Also look for the software provider’s track record, its customer service and willingness to help you when things go wrong.

3. Is it flexible enough to meet your future needs? – You will not want to move your subscriber base to a new platform if you outgrow your existing one. Very often this will mean asking your subscribers to manually reconfirm their email addresses all over again. This is a hassle for you and also for them and a fair percentage of them will simply not go to the trouble of doing so and will, therefore be lost to you. Therefore ensure that the email software you choose will be able to meet your needs as you grow. The approach “this will do for now,” is not to be used here. Far better to have the mindset of “this will be good for the next ten years or more.”

RocketResponder is an email marketing platform which has been designed to be cheap but highly functional. With the simplest price plan in the industry – one low flat fee no matter how big your subscriber list – if offers full functionality while keeping costs low and predictable.

Why Email Marketing Software Will Keep Your Blog Readers Coming Back For More

blog traffic

There are few things more frustrating for a blogger than to write some amazing new content but fail to get the views it deserves. On the other hand, being able to see lots of hits as soon as it is posted is just about the best feeling in the world.

The problem is that blog readers, even the most loyal readers, won’t keep returning on the off chance of finding new content. This is why something as important as blog readership can never be left to mere chance and bloggers must take the initiative to encourage their readers to keep coming back for more.

Obviously your content is well-written, relevant, up-to-date, informative and highly targeted to your particular niche, but that alone is not sufficient to maximize traffic to your blog.

Even if your blog theme looks great, the images are eye-catching and the entire blog is engaging and exciting, you could still be missing out on traffic to your new posts.

Using RSS Feeds (Rich Site Summary, but often also called Really Simple Syndication) has traditionally been one way of driving traffic to your blog and ensuring that your new content gets seen.

When a user subscribes to a site’s RSS feed, their browser does the regular checking for new content and sends out an alert when it finds some.

RSS is also not without its drawbacks – it has been rapidly declining in popularity over the last decade, has always been seen as rather nerdy and does nothing to help build up relationships between blogger and blog readers.

A Google Trends search for the term “RSS” shows the huge decrease in popularity for this search term since its height in 2005. Google searches for “RSS” have declined by around 90% in the past 10 years and are forecast to drop even further in the year ahead.

Google Search Trends data for RSS

Thankfully there is a more mainstream, far less nerdy and really simple solution to help bloggers engage with their readers and send out alerts each time new content is posted.

The solution is email marketing software such as RocketResponder where, instead of getting alerts from an impersonal RSS Feed, blog subscribers receive an email directly from the blog owner informing them of new content. In addition, subscribers can reply to these emails, allowing the blogger to receive instant feedback, alerting them to problems or suggesting ways their blog could be improved.

Using email to automatically send new content alerts has another powerful advantage for the blogger as it allows clicks to links within the email to be tracked. Now bloggers who use targeted email lists to send new content alerts can easily see which content is most popular and which is not so attractive to their subscribers.

An email address list alert system actually does far more than just send out alerts. Bloggers can ask for feedback, build anticipation by providing information about upcoming blog posts and provide additional content which is exclusive to their blog subscribers.

RocketResponder has been specifically designed for use by bloggers to alert subscribers to their new content. See how easy it is to set up as an alert tool for new blog content:

RocketResponder Blog: How To Drive Traffic To Your Blog With RocketResponder

Five Top Tips To Ensure You Write Better Emails

being clearWhen you write an email for your subscribers are you clear about what you want to say?

Hopefully the answer to that question was ‘yes’ because that is half the battle won. If the answer was “no” or ‘sometimes” or ‘mostly” then please read this post before you write another email.

Unless you are clear about what you want to say each and every time you set out to say something then you really are wasting your time.

The second thing you need to ensure is that you are clear about how you actually present the message. By that I mean that the words you type onto your keyboard must accurately reflect the ideas you are trying to get across.

It is not good enough that you can read your email and say “It could be better but at least I know what I mean,” because this approach will have subscribers heading for the unsubscribe button in huge numbers.

So here are my five top tips to ensure that you write better emails and that every email you send actually says what you want it to say:

  1. Have a plan – Work out what you want to say before you start writing. Unless you are totally clear about what you want to say then you stand no hope of explaining this to others in an email.
  2. Build a structure – make a list of bullet points or brief notes for each of the points you want to make and spend some time putting them in a logical order. This will ensure that you don’t miss out anything important and that you don’t include information that is irrelevant and confusing.
  3. Get writing – Now get to work on the email. Flesh our your points and check it over for grammar and other mistakes. If things don’t make sense then take time changing things around until it does make sense.
  4. Read it aloud – Don’t even think about sending it yet. Read your email aloud because this will instantly highlight any problem areas. Words or phrases that you stumble over will need to be rewritten to make it easier to understand. It is often at this point that you might read a sentence and think “That’s not what I wanted to say at all,” and if this happens to you then go back and correct as necessary.
  5. Get someone else to read it – This is the icing on the cake and will confirm whether or not you have got the other steps right. If someone else reads your copy and says they can perfectly understand what you have written, then you have done a good job and can hit ‘send’ with confidence. If they are confused then you need to work on the part(s) that are causing confusion.

In summary, before hitting the ‘send’ button when you write an email to your list you need to be clear about what you want to say and be clear about how you say it.