We have added a RocketResponder YouTube channel where you will find a selection of videos which you may find useful.

Email Marketing For Chiropractors
There are many potential clients out there who have absolutely no idea what a chiropractor does or how they could benefit from using the services of a chiropractor.
Other people may have some vague notion that it concerns the treatment of back pain but know little more than that.
When RocketResponder Went To The Beach…
On a day trip to the beach it is good to take a photograph or two so you can remember how fun it all was.
When RocketResponder visited West Island Beach in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, yesterday we took great care to ensure that having awesome pictures would not be a problem.
We had stills cameras, video cameras, cameras mounted onto a remote controlled drone which buzzed overhead and a team of talented individuals to make it all work.There were the lights, boom microphones, a professional make up artist and people with clipboards…RocketResponder was on its first video shoot.
We arrived at a virtually deserted beach at 8.30am and I was wondering exactly how it would all work out.
Then over the next hour or so more and more people arrived and our section of beach was a hive of activity. (more…)
How To Unsubscribe RocketResponder Subscribers Using Gmail Labels
There will be occasions when you want to unsubscribe people from your mailing list.
You may not have given much thought to the idea of actually unsubscribing people from your list(s) but it is actually a good idea.
A lot of email marketing software providers – especially the ones which charge users per subscriber – don’t encourage customers to unsubscribe people from their mailing lists at all.
However what is the point of sending your email marketing messages to people who no longer want to receive them?
A smaller, more targeted list, is far better than a larger list which is less responsive because many of the subscribers have lost interest over time. (more…)
Schedule Email Reminders Based On Future Events With RocketResponder
With RocketResponder you can now send out emails to your subscribers to remind them about important upcoming events.
This could be anything from sending out a “Happy Birthday” message to reminding subscribers that they have an upcoming appointment or event to attend.
Traditionally a series of email messages is sent out to all of the subscribers on your list(s) based on the date that the subscriber signed up.
However with RocketResponder Reminders you can also send emails to individual members on your list(s) based upon an event which will happen in the future.
There are so many different ways this service can be used and it will have uses across many thousands of different niches where email marketing can be used.
Here are some examples of how to use RocketResponder Reminders:
Birthday Reminders
You can do anything from just wishing your subscribers “Happy Birthday” to sending them a special birthday discount offer or free gift.
Sending a birthday greeting or offer is a great way of showing your subscribers that you care about them and that you treat them as individuals rather than just names on a mailing list.
Medical Appointments
If you are a doctor, dentist, chiropractic, optician etc. then you can send your patients email reminders based on when their next scheduled appointment is due.
Just like regular subscriber lists you can schedule a series of emails to go out based on a future event.
So if one of your subscribers has a visit to your dental surgery for treatment you might want to send a Reminder Email series like this:
ten days before appointment – remind your subscriber about the time and location of the appointment and provide your contact details in case they have any questions. Give them information of the steps they must take if they want to reschedule.
three days before appointment – send another email about the appointment and include information about what they might need to do in advance or what they will need to bring with them or wear. For example it might be that it is important that the patient does not eat anything for a period of time before the surgery is due to take place or there may be forms or paperwork they need to bring with them.
the day before the appointment – time to send another reminder that the surgery is taking place tomorrow.
Subscripition Renewals
If your subscribers have recurring subscriptions with you then you might want to remind them of upcoming billing renewals.
This is a good time to send a series of emails reminding your subscribers of all the great benefits they have from their subscription so that you encourage more people to renew rather than allow their subscription to lapse.
Also consider giving subscribers an extra push to renew early maybe with a discount or extra month free.
Hotel bookings
Remind your customers of their upcoming booking, maybe include information about what people can do in the locality or give information about the services and facilities at your hotel.
Flight/holiday bookings
Remind your clients about their upcoming flight or holiday. This might be a good time to remind them that they might need holiday money, an up-to-date passport or travel insurance.
Car servicing/repairs
RocketResponder Reminders are ideal for situations like this. Your clients may welcome the reminder and it is good for your business by helping ensure that more people keep their appointments rather than have to reschedule because it slipped their mind.
Like everything else with RocketResponder we have kept Reminders as simple to use as possible without the need for any steep learning curve.
The examples above are only a small selection of how Reminders can work but those are just a small selection of how it can be used.
Here is how it works:
Writing the email reminders
Choose an existing list to create the reminder series of emails or create a new list and write your reminder email series – you can write just one email or several emails, it is totally up to you.
You can be more creative with the subject lines than we were in the screenshot above. How many emails you choose to send and how many days before the event that you send them is totally up to you.
Sending the email reminders
Remember that unlike sending broadcast messages or the regular email series to your subscribers, the reminders go to just one member and not your entire list.
To send a reminder, click on the “Add reminder” tab, and then choose the list which contains the reminder email(s) you want to send.
Next enter the name and email address of the person you want to receive the reminders, set the target date and click save.
Now that person will get the reminder emails ahead of the event which you want to remind them about.
Note that there is a ‘Repeat Yearly’ checkbox where you want the reminder to be sent at the same time every year, such as for birthday greetings.