When It Comes To Subject Lines, Size Does Not Matter Too Much

subject linesSubject lines: Recently we explained that it is a good idea to keep your emails short rather than long when communicating with your subscribers.

People are busy, they are increasingly also doing something else when reading emails and they don’t have very much time to spend reading each one.

So when you are using an auto-responder like RocketResponder, it is a good idea not to make too much of a demand on people’s time if you want to keep your subscribers happy.

However when it comes to the subject lines, the size is much less important than you might think.

The only job of the subject line is to grab the reader’s attention in such a way that they go on to open the email.

Sometimes if takes a very short subject line to achieve this goal and sometimes it takes one a bit longer.

The bottom line is don’t be frightened of writing a long subject line if you think that it what it takes.

It is far better to write a good subject line which is long than a bad subject line which is too short.

In fact I remember seeing the results of a survey into subject lines where billions of subject lines, ranging from the very shortest ones right up to long ones of 148 characters or more, were analyzed.

When these were checked to see if there was a difference between subject line length and the numbers of opens and clicks the results were…there was virtually no difference at all.

So when it comes to subject lines don’t worry about length, just worry about making them so interesting that your email gets opened.

See also: Rocket Responder – When It Comes To Writing Emails, Size Matters

When It Comes To Writing Email, Size Matters

Short and SweetIt is still very common to go to a sales page for a product and find what marketers call a “long copy sales letter.”

The term is self-explanatory and if you have seen any of these pages yourself, you will know that long can mean very long indeed.

The reason that such pages have been so successful for internet marketers is that they work and quite often they can work very well.

However don’t make the mistake of thinking that this technique will translate quite so well into the email you send to your subscribers…the majority of times it really won’t.

For a start, if we are on some sales page for a product or service it is generally because we actually want to be there and want to read about the offer being made to us.

It follows that we may have time to read many thousands of words, or perhaps we will just read the headlines and bullet points and skip to the “buy it now button” as many people do.

Email is different. It is different because we can get so many of them on a daily basis. They just land in our inboxes at random times and invite us to read them.

We may be at our desks or or at home and have time to go through all our emails one by one but, increasingly, we read them on tablets or smartphones when lots of other things are competing for our precious time.

So when it comes to writing email, for example using an auto-responder like RocketResponder, the general rule is to keep it short. Email size matters and small is generally better than large.

Grab your subscriber’s attention with the subject line, then say what you need to say in a few sentences and include a link for people to click to get more information.

That is the general rule and there always exceptions. You might do an email newsletter for example which is packed full of content and that is totally fine.

However when we are competing for the precious time of our increasingly busy subscribers it really does help to keep the message short and to the point.


Use Video To Show The Real You

Internet Video on smartphoneUsing an autoresponder like RocketResponder is something every online business should do.

The old days where you stand behind the counter of a store and wait for the customers to come to you are long gone.

Nowadays you have to go out and take the lead when it comes to customer communication. The tables have turned and you now go out to the customers.

Even more and more businesses in the offline world are using auto-responders to connect with their customers and get them coming into their stores.

Email is a very effective means of communication, and if you have built up a good relationship with your client base, they will look forward to getting emails from you.

An effective use of an autoresponder campaign will see you spending as much, if not more, time on building relationships with customers as you do trying to sell them goods and services.

While email is a very effective means of doing that – don’t leave it to the written word alone…start using the power of video.

Video is an absolutely awesome way of building relationships and getting your subscribers and customers to know the real “you,” and, believe me, they will want to know you.

Don’t be scared of video and don’t think of big, expensive, professional, scripted productions either.

These days a video can be something shot on your smartphone, quickly uploaded to YouTube and available to be viewed by your customers in minutes.

You can do videos giving tips about using your products or services, talking about the latest trends in your industry or…just about anything at all.

Just be yourself and provide something of value and your customers will love you.

Post the link in a RocketResponder email, post it on Twitter, Facebook, your blog or your website…there are so many possibilities these days.

Use email but use video too…it is a really great combination.

Five Tips To Make Your Next Autoresponder Campaign Sparkle

sparkling lightsWhen you use an autoresponder service like RocketResponder you open up a whole new world of communication with your subscribers.

You have a powerful tool to ensure that your message, or series of messages go out exactly when you want them to and over the time period you want them to go out.

This leaves you free to concentrate on the message and to ensure that the information you are communicating is spot on.

Here are five top RocketResponder tips to ensure that your next autoresponder campaign (and every other autoresponder campaign after that) works out exactly as you want it to.

  1. Always plan in advance. This is a must. Take the time to work out what message you want to get across and what you are going to say. There should be a structure to every email campaign you put together whether it is a series of training steps, the build up to a launch or the ‘drip feed’ of information over a set period of time.
  2. How long will it last? There must be a definite start date and a definite end date for your campaign. Make sure you leave yourself long enough to plan the email campaign in advance so it is all ready to go and you are not leaving things until the last minute.
  3. What am I trying to achieve? The campaign must have some specific goal otherwise you will not be able to tell whether or not it has been a success. Work out what the goal is and how best you are going to achieve it.
  4. How frequently will I send emails? If it is a short campaign then it might be appropriate to send an email every day but if it is a bit longer then maybe one every other day or every three days might work better. Finally if you have not contacted your list for a long time and you plan to send them regular emails during this campaign then it might be worth warning them in advance that they are going to hear from you again.
  5. Make sure everything works. When everything is all queued up and ready to go then make sure everything works as you want it to. Send each of the emails to yourself first and read over them for any factual mistakes or grammatical errors. Also test that all your links work as you want them to and that any pages you send people to are the correct pages and the links or sales buttons on those pages are also properly set up.

Try putting these tips to work and see how well RocketResponder can work for you.

Avoid The Spam Filter

Seven Top Tips To Help Ensure Your Emails Avoid Spam Filter

Avoid Spam FilterWhen we write an email we want it to get seen. We want people to see it, open it, read it and take action on it if appropriate.

The very last place we want our words of wisdom to go is into someone’s spam or junk folder but sadly this happens from time to time because spam filters can sometimes catch some good emails as they try and filter out the bad.

Here at RocketResponder we want to ensure your emails get seen by the people who signed up to your list so here are our seven top tips to ensure that you avoid spam filter and ensure your message gets across to the people on our list:

  1. Stop using aster*sks in your emails. The only possible reason you might have to use asterisks in your emails is to try and trick the spam filters. Just write your content for the people you are aiming for and don’t try to beat the system. Normal people never spell ‘free’ as ‘fr*e’ – I know this, you know this and the people who came up with the spam filters know this. Spam filters flag your email harshly if there are asterisks within words. Saying ‘fr*e’ is far worse than saying ‘free.
  2. Understand email has changed. All the major providers understand that most emails come from the top 10 providers. They don’t base delivery on the provider. They now base delivery on the individual sender. This is why some emails will go to the inbox and others to spam when the email is sent on the same provider. So the major thing to take back from this is you need to have a good personal reputation.
  3. Don’t send from a yahoo address. Yahoo made a change to their email policies which tells every receiver that if Yahoo didn’t send it to mark it as spam. For best results you should use your own email address on your own domain. So far Gmail isn’t bad, but they could make the change too. Nothing beats your own email address from your own domain.
  4. Encourage people to interact with your emails. If users don’t open your emails, email providers know it and you are more likely to have your emails flagged as spam. Ideally you want to write content that ensures that people are opening your emails and clicking on links. If you can actually encourage people to reply to your emails then that is even better again – replying to emails is a sure sign that the emails are not unwanted spam.
  5. Always use a valid email address. This may seem obvious to most but many people still send email from fake email addresses such as noreply@mysite.com. Guess what, when receivers get your email they check if the email address is real before accepting it. Use a fake email and you might not even make it to the spam bin, as it is quite likely that it will just be deleted on the spot.
  6. Be original in your content. Don’t copy and paste emails. The number of people following some old school ebooks or PLR email series is crazy. The problem is email providers are smart. They know that same copy was used before and wasn’t wanted. So when you send it, they’ll know it wasn’t wanted again. Always create value and original high quality content is king. And finally…
  7. Stop telling people you are not a spammer.  Many spammers use this ‘trick’ in the hope that they get past the spam filters or convince recipients that they are not spammers. So even if you are not sending spam, the mere fact that you even mention it means you are in danger of being classed as spam. The bottom line is that if you talk like a spammer, you’ll get filtered like a spammer. If you have to convince someone it’s not spam, you’re not sending emails people want. Stop and rethink your email strategy before sending any more.

We hope those tips will be useful to you. Here at RocketResponder we are passionate about getting your message out to the people who want to hear it. We make sending emails and communicating with the people on your list simple and efficient. Use these tips and your messages will be seen time and time again.