How frequently should your business send out emails? Experienced marketers learn that they will begin to experience diminishing returns if they email too frequently or not frequently enough. Potential customers may start to consider the messages as annoying spam if they see a new one every time they open their inbox.
Category: email marketing

The Secret Weapon in Your Email: What Real Estate Brokers Should Know
In any business, a steady stream of clients and customers is needed to fuel success. In real estate and many other small businesses, keeping this pipeline full requires maintaining contact with those who have conducted business with you in the past, while also finding a way to generate new business. If this type of lead generation is not done consistently, it cannot provide the consistent results that you need for your business to grow and thrive. The problem, however, is finding the time for daily lead generation. If you are struggling to find time to consistently generate new business, these tips will show you the power of a simple email and how you can use it as a secret weapon to breathe new life into your business.

How Email Marketing Positions Your Company to Be an Industry Leader
Email marketing. It’s a term tossed to and fro by the elites in any given industry. Many pros profess that email marketing is the cornerstone of your small business’ marketing strategy. But, how? How can you leverage email marketing to help you become an industry leader?
By giving your customers what they need, when they need it.

5 Email Marketing Strategies You Shouldn’t Use
Email is relatively easy and inexpensive to use. This means it’s a great tool for small businesses that may not have a big marketing budget. It also means almost everyone is doing it and it’s becoming more difficult to rise above the dross and get noticed. It’s therefore crucial to make the most of each email that’s sent out. Sometimes knowing what not to do can be as important as knowing what actually works. The following are 5 email marketing strategies that shouldn’t be used.

RocketResponder Digital Library For Email Marketing Guides
RocketResponder now has a digital library where you can find all our email marketing guides to help you get the most out of email marketing for your business or organization.