text emails

Tips To Create Better Plain Text Emails

So I have a confession…

I know RocketResponder has one of the easiest to use HTML editors on the market. We developed it with the novice in mind so they could easiest and effectively create attention grabbing email templates. I think it’s pretty neat technology and am very excited that so many of our members enjoy it’s full capabilities…

That being said…I write 99% of the emails I draft…In plain text!

I’m old school I guess. I love the written word in plain black ink on a white background, but that doesn’t mean that creating plain text emails has to be boring. In this blog post, I’m going to go over a few tips that have helped me get great open and click through rates using only the text editor inside of RocketResponder.

Here’s how to get better open and click through rates using plain text emails;

1. It Starts & Ends With The Subject Line – No matter if you choose to create an HTML email or plain text email, it won’t matter unless you grab people’s attention with a solid subject line. This is your ‘key’ to get your readers to open the email!

text email

2. Use The Bold, Italic, Underline and Strike Through Options! – This adds so much to your copy! Plain text email doesn’t have to be run on sentences for 3 paragraphs and then a P.S. to seal the deal. You need to add features to the copy that pulls attention and eyes towards it. So bold certain points in the text! Use italics when you are trying to highlight something! Underline things, use a strike through feature hen you want to cross out a price and add a ‘special deal’ or similar. Get creative and the body of your email will stick out to the reader!

text emails

3. Add Different Font Sizes To Your Copy – This is a great way to make a BIG point or create a change of pace within your copy. Don’t make the text TOO big but it’s a good idea to play with this feature and see what works best. I’ve started doing this recently and have been getting great results in open rates.

email texts

4. Use Lists & Bullet Points To Add Much More To Your Copy – This is a trick master ad copy writers have been using for years. They know people want the information quickly and might just be scanning your emails. So give it to them in bite sized chunks!

text emails

There are so many features in your basic text editor at RocketResponder that you will be blown away. The best part about writing emails in plain text is…You see what you get right away! No need to create a Picasso with your HTML and design skills, just an effective straight forward text email!

Play around and see what you can come up πŸ™‚

I hope this post helps you create epic emails every single day!

text emails

bitcoin cash

Email Marketing, Crypto & Your Autoresponder Needs

We might not be the first major autoresponder to accept crypto currency as a form of payment, but we’re one of the first for sure πŸ™‚

We mentioned this in November when we started accepting Bitcoin Cash as a payment option for our members and so far, the response has been fantastic!

bitcoin cash accepted at rocketresponder

We’re seeing more and more email marketers starting to take a strong look at crypto as a payment option for their marketing needs and Bitcoin Cash is just the start for us….

We plan on adding a few more coins as payment options but right now, BCH has been a great experience for us.

If you are interested in learning more about Bitcoin Cash, be sure to check the currency out here!

Can we predict the future of crypto as a viable payment option for email marketing?

No one knows for sure, but everything we have researched points to the perfect match for our services. Of course you can always use our secure credit card processors but we don’t think marketers around the world should ignore crypto and it’s potential for your business.

It’s a digital economy and we’re excited to be a part of the future! For not only RocketResponder but email marketers around the world.

Let’s go and make some history πŸ™‚

Building Awareness To Build Your Email Lists

A huge part of building thriving email lists is to bring massive awareness to you and your brand.

Sounds simple on paper and makes perfect sense when you think about it. The more people that know you, the better chance you have for them to sign up to your lists.

A closer look at a typical sales funnel will show you where the top of the funnel needs the most attention…


So far so good, but then you start learning that the quickest way to build awareness for your brand and subscriber lists is through paid traffic which can start becoming quite the expense.

Here a few tips and tricks to bring massive awareness to your business, while not breaking your bank;

1. Blogs – Setting up a blog is a must for most businesses. You need a central hub where you can deliver great content for your customers and bring awareness to what you are offering. A blog is the perfect platform. And what’s great about this, is the more you work on your blog, the bigger your email lists become.

2. Social Media – We live in a connected world and it’s a big part of your marketing strategy to network and connect with others. Social media allows you to do this. Whether it’s YouTube, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn…No matter what the platform…You are bringing awareness to your business in every single status update and post!

3. Online Forums – One of the better places online to build awareness is through online communities that can be found in forums. Now a word of advice, don’t go into a forum blasting your email list and telling people to sign up. You must become a VALUABLE member of the community. but once you do, look out! This will help your business more than you will ever know!

4. Face To Face Networking Events – This might take a little bit of effort on your part to find out the offline meetings in your area, but if you arrive with a stack of business cards in your hand, get ready to bring some great awareness to what you do and how you do it! These type of events are gems for building your network and generating interest in what you offer.

These are just a few examples of low cost and free ways to generate awareness for your business. And the more awareness you bring, the more your funnel starts to get filled up πŸ™‚

Let Us Talk About Followup Series

Email marketing has quickly become one of the most powerful tools available to businesses both large and small. The wonderful thing about email marketing is that the same marketing and advertising tactics that are being used by the big corporations can also be implemented by the small business owner as well in order to get big results. The trick to great email marketing is in understanding some of the different tactics used and the timing of when to use what.

An email follow up series is all about timing. Once you have effectively obtained a lead, they have opted in by offering their email address, the real work of landing the sale starts. Your email follow up series is the tool that will help you finish convincing the lead that you are the choice they should make, or to encourage the lead to continue making purchases.

Use Your Tools

Most small businesses which are using some type of email marketing software or marketing automation software have at their fingertips email follow up series capabilities, but most companies do not put this important tool to work. Why? Because most business owners feel intimidated by the prospect of mapping out their objectives and then writing up the pre-arrange emails. What these business owners do not realize, however, is that an email follow up series is a small time investment which will continue to build your business, land sales and increase your revenue for a long time to come.

What Is a Follow Up Series?

A follow up series is quick simply a series of email messages which are automatically sent out to leads (potential or returning customers) with more information or encouragement to make a purchase or respond to your message in some way. Your email follow-up series is quite literally the best and most authentic way to engage people in your brand and get them committed to be a part of your online community as well as a β€œfree” advertiser. People share brands and messages that they enjoy and believe in.

What Should A Follow Up Series Consist Of?

A follow up series of emails should consist of a couple of different kinds of messages.

  • Thank You– The thank you message should be sent immediately after a purchase or after an opt in. This will also offer an email confirmation to cement the address to your list.
  • Let’s Get Started or Welcome– This message or a variation of it is a way to reach out to the lead to connect on a deeper level. This is a good time to invite them to share your brand on their social media, making sure that sharing capabilities can easily be done from the email itself.
  • This Way to Great Content– This message will refer the lead back to your website where they can find new, relevant content (articles, blogs, offers) to help them in whatever niche your product, service or brand promises to assist them.
  • Make the Most of…- This message will offer your lead tips to ensure success with the product, brand or service. This is also a great time to encourage your lead to share content with others who might also need this brand, product or service.
  • Bonuses– Everyone loves bonuses and free gifts. At this point in the relationship with your lead you should offer a bonus of some time. The most inexpensive way to keep leads interested is with free content. Content is free for you because you can create it, and it appealing to the lead because it will continue to help them along whatever path they started out on with your product, brand or service. Bonus content can come in the form of free e-books, articles, videos, tutorials or webinars.
  • How Pleased Are You?– This message will seek to engage the lead on an even deeper level by giving them the opportunity to offer feedback. Feedback can be offered in the form of a testimonial. This has a twofold purpose. One is makes the lead feel special and necessary to the brand and two it provides you with important marketing feedback which can help you improve your marketing strategies.

Sending an Affiliate Email in Real Time

Sometimes it’s just easier seeing someone do it. Affiliate marketing is amazingly simple when you have the right tools at your disposal.

Here I’m using JVzoo, https://trck.me and RocketResponder. As you can see in the video it only took me about 2-3 minutes to get this offer out. I wish it was more complicated than this so it would seem I have some special talent that you don’t BUT that’s not true. Affiliate marketing is beyond easy for anyone with even a basic internet connection and a couple tools. We hear Jon say all the time build your list, well this video shows you why. If affiliate marketing was all I did my job would be over today and at one point in my life this was true. 5 minutes of your day for the potential to make a few hundred to a few thousand on one or two emails.

Remember only promote products that you know are a good fit for your list and you have tried yourself. I’ve been burned in the past promoting something I didn’t try because I wanted in on the launch. BIG MISTAKE!! All good JV partners will give you access to try it out and see if it works as it says or is just hype with no substance. Promoting good useful tools to your followers builds the trust we hear Olson talk about ad nauseam and it’s for a good reason.

Let me know in the comments below your favorite method of affiliate marketing or what types of things you’d like me to show you in future videos.

Enjoy the rest of your week and remember STAY AWESOME!