The RocketResponder API
The RocketResponder API allows you to integrate your list into your current work flow. You can get started integrating in minutes!
All API requests require an API Key. Authentication is done using HTTP Basic Authentication using the API Public Key as the Username and a Signature as the Password. The Signature is generated using an MD5 Hash of the parameters below.
Every request must include a unix timestamp passed as the parameter Time. Requests must be made within 10 minutes of the Signature being generated.
PrivateKey | This is the user's Private API Key |
API Endpoint URL | The full URL to the endpoint being called: |
Parameter Hash | All the parameters being passed via GET or POST, converted to strings, sorted alphabetically, encoded to JSON format, and hashed with MD5. |
PHP Example
$POST["Time"] = time();
$POST = array_map('strval',$POST);
array_multisort($DATA, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING);
$HASH = md5(json_encode($DATA));
$Signature = md5($PrivateKey . "" . $HASH);
Every API call will return a json encoded array.
Response Array
status | Returns Success or Failed if the call being made is succesfull or not. |
error | Optional - If the status is Failed the reason will be returned as an error. |
(object) | Depending on the call, an object will be returned. For example if a subscriber call the subscriber object will be returned if a valid subscriber was found. |
All list calls return the list's information as an object if a valid list is found.
POST /api/list/all
Returns an array of List Objects of the authenticated API user.
There are no parameters for this call
POST /api/list/create
Creates a new list and returns the list as an object.
Name required |
The list's name, seen by subscribers |
Permalink required |
Used in links generated for the list, must be unique and contain only letters and numbers. |
FromEmail required |
The email address emails will be sent from. Do *not* use a yahoo address. |
FromName required |
The name emails will be sent from, can be company name or brand name. |
Address required |
The mailing address for CAN SPAM compliance, can be a PO BOX. |
Notify optional |
0 - No notifications, 1 - When they subscribe, 2 - When they confirmo |
Header optional |
The text above the confirmation link in the confirmation email. |
Footer optional |
The text below the confirmation link in the confirmation email. |
All subscriber calls return the subscriber's information as an object if a valid subscriber is found.
POST /api/subscriber/subscribe
Subscribes the email address to the list specified.
email required |
The email address of the user to be subscribed |
LID required |
The ID number of the List the user is being subscribed to |
name optional |
The full name of the user being subscribed |
POST /api/subscriber/lookup
Searches for a subscriber on a list.
email required |
The email address of the user |
LID required |
The ID number of the List the user is being subscribed to |
POST /api/subscriber/modify
Modifies the subscription for a user. The old email address will continue to receive emails until the new email address is confirmed. On confirmation the old address will be unsubscribed.
email required |
The email address of the user being modified |
LID required |
The ID number of the List the user is being subscribed to |
newemail required |
The new email address of the user being modified |
name optional |
The updated name of the user being modified |
POST /api/subscriber/unsubscribe
Unsuscribes the email address from the list specified.
email required |
The email address of the user to be subscribed |
LID required |
The ID number of the List the user is being subscribed to |
The RocketResponder PHP SDK
Want to get started without any fuss? Download our simple PHP SDK. Below are examples of how to use it. It handles all the authentication for you, so you can drop it into your current flow!
Subscribing Users Without a Name
include "RocketResponder.class.php";
$rocket = new RocketResponder("pub_0DkdLKj023280Dlj39Dkljds", "priv_03280Dlj39DkljdsDkdLKj02");
$rocket->subscribe("", 154);
Subscribing Users With a Name
include "RocketResponder.class.php";
$rocket = new RocketResponder("pub_0DkdLKj023280Dlj39Dkljds ", "priv_lj39DkljdsDk03280DdLKj02");
$rocket->subscribe("", 154, array("name"=>"John Doe"));
Looking Up a Subscriber
include "RocketResponder.class.php";
$rocket = new RocketResponder("pub_0DkdLKj023280Dlj39Dkljds", "priv_03280Dlj39DkljdsDkdLKj02");
if ($response = $rocket->subscribe("", 154)) {
echo "Subscriber Status is: " $response->subscriber->Status;
Modifying Users Without Updating Their Name
include "RocketResponder.class.php";
$rocket = new RocketResponder("pub_0DkdLKj023280Dlj39Dkljds", "priv_03280Dlj39DkljdsDkdLKj02");
$rocket->modify("", 154, "");
Modifying Users While Updating Their Name
include "RocketResponder.class.php";
$rocket = new RocketResponder("pub_0DkdLKj023280Dlj39Dkljds ", "priv_lj39DkljdsDk03280DdLKj02");
$rocket->modify("", 154, "", array("name"=>"John Doe"));
Unsubscribing a User
include "RocketResponder.class.php";
$rocket = new RocketResponder("pub_0DkdLKj023280Dlj39Dkljds", "priv_03280Dlj39DkljdsDkdLKj02");
$rocket->unsubscribe("", 154);